
Monday November 1, 2021

Virtual Zoom meeting

4:30 p.m.


1.       Call to Order: Land Acknowledgement, Prayer and Pledge

Land Acknowledgment

We recognize and deeply appreciate the historic connection of Ontario’s Indigenous peoples, and the contribution that Metis, Inuit, and other Indigenous peoples have made, both in shaping and strengthening our province, and our country as a whole.  As settlers, this recognition of the contributions and historic importance of Indigenous peoples must also be clearly and overtly connected to our collective commitment to make the promise and the challenge of Truth and Reconciliation real in our communities.


Creator God, we praise you, the source of all life. Renew our faith and guide us in our ministry as Catholic teachers. Let us touch the hearts and minds of those with whom we work.

Lord Jesus, share with us your counsel so we may choose knowledge over ignorance, wisdom over waste, peace over injustice, community over isolation and service over domination.

Holy Spirit, nurture our growth. Inspire us to give birth to the creative powers within us. Let us come to the fullness of life promised in the Gospel. Amen.


I pledge to work for the goal of Christian Education, which is to co-operate with Divine Grace in forming the true and perfect Christian.

I promise to obey the rules and regulations of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association and to fulfill my duties as a member.


3.         Consideration of Agenda:

            Motion:                       Jeannette Cowen/ Amy Tuka

                                    “That the agenda of the Unit Executive Meeting of

                        Monday November 1, 2021 be accepted as amended.”


4          Consideration of Minutes:

  • Minutes of previous Unit Executive Meeting(s)

Motion:           Carol Knight/ Sonia Diniz

                        “That the minutes of the Unit Executive Meeting of

                        Monday October 4, 2021 be accepted as received.”


5.         Fall General Meeting Chair:   Amy Tuka—  Co-chair: Aaron Stemmler

6.         Report of Unit Executive Officers  

(a)      Report of the President – Patrick Etmanski

  • Meeting with Senior Admin – Survey response
  • PD opportunities
  • Political Action
  • PPE
  • Association Rep Training
  • Website
  • Questions to report emailed earlier

The president referenced his report. He commented on the lack of weekly Director’s report after the OECTA survey results. The president explained that 4 out of 5 of the High Schools will have a meeting with the Director. Some secondary teachers are worried about talking to the Director, as such OECTA will be present during the meetings. The Director does not want OECTA there but will allow OECTA to join the discussion.

Political Action: The Political Advisory Committee will have a professional development workshop about political action.

The trustees passed a motion to provide the ability of staff to use superior PPE. This should be announced next week, and the unit will send out the information. Teachers will be able to use superior PPE (personal) at school.

Non vaccinated members will need to do three rapid tests instead of two soon. PCR tests will be rolling out locally in mid-November.

The OECTA website is almost ready and should be up shortly. The president discussed some of the upgrades that need to be made to the website. The unit discussed this topic and its costs.

Motion:           Patrick Etmanski/ Aaron Stemmler

“That the Unit Executive approve the expenditure of up to $1500 for the purpose of transitioning and updating the website.”


(b)      Report of Treasurer – Mark Devlin

  • Budget review
  • Questions to report

The treasurer referenced his report. The focus of the finance committee has been the budget review in preparation for the Fall AGM. The treasurer went through the budget with the unit. The treasurer explain that the budget should be completed for the Fall AGM. The only cost that needs to be changed is the website’s cost. There are no major concerns in the budget. The treasurer will add1,500 dollars to line 5217 telecommunication to cover the cost of the website renewal. The treasurer stressed that the budget will be in a surplus ($2,400). There is also other house keeping actions that will need to be changed with the help of an auditor. The treasure wants to move the budget forward to the AGM. The reserve fund motion will be brought forward at the AGM at the amount of $200,000.  

  • Report of Vice President – Elementary – Simon Dallimore
  • Questions to report emailed earlier

The VP Elementary referenced his reports. The VP Elementary explained that teachers can do parent-teacher interviews from home. Progress reports are due in early November.

Q: Do members need to have interviews on November 25, 2021?

A: The member needs to discuss this with their administrator. The member needs to give a parent an option to discuss the progress report.

D2L vs. Google update- St. Isidore teachers need to use D2L. Brick-and-Motor schools can use Google. But Google Classroom will be phased out by the board. Members need to get acquainted with D2L.  

Q: Do they need to be virtual?

A: If parents request an in-person interview then they must do an in-person interview.  

  • Report of Vice President – Secondary – Dave Geraghty
  • Questions to report emailed earlier 

The VP Secondary referenced his report. Secondary school lunches are halfway completed. The VP learned about a lot of issues at the schools during these lunches. The VP would like to set up office hours at the high schools to answer member’s concerns. Fireside chats will be happening at all five high schools with members discussing chats with the Director.

Lunchtime issue update: The board is looking at ways to help with this issue. The board is discussing staggered lunch times. The board is discussing building an extra five minutes into the lunch period. However, the board is looking at the transportation logistics.  

Q: Will there be December parent-teacher interviews?

A: Yes. These interviews will happen, but the timelines will be compressed.

Q: What about the new 7-12 school that is being built?

A: The president will send the unit a report about the new school.

  • Report of Vice President Occasional  – Jeannette Cowen  
  • Questions to report emailed earlier 

The VP Occasional referenced her report. The VP discussed the lack of communication with supernumerary teachers and no contracts being completed.

Benefits: The board has not dealt with benefits correctly. The OTs have not seen the benefit plans. The VP is looking into this and the need to put this language into the collective agreement.

The board finally agreed to the two weeks top up regarding SEB. The board is processing it this week and should be on the paycheck in two weeks.

The unit discussed OTs at secondary and how OTs should be getting paid for the one period if they cover an extra period during their day. OTs that miss planning time needs to go onto the board website and complete the missed planning time form.

7.         Labour Report: Aaron Stemmler

The labour rep reminded members that the OFL convention is tomorrow. Aaron will have more

information about this after the convention.

8.         Committee Reports:  Written reports may be submitted for inclusion in the “Report of All.”  Minutes will be posted on website for review prior to the meeting.  Questions can be brought to liaison at this time

Social committee has purchased 250 tickets for the Bingaman’s Gift of Lights.

Finance will meet on November 8th, 2021.

Beginning teachers’ event will happen on November 3, 2021.

9.         New Business:

Provincial Resolutions: The fall general meeting. The president discussed the provincial resolution and these resolutions need to go to the people that need to know about them. The unit reviewed the resolutions and discussed if the unit recommends supporting these resolutions or not recommend them.

The unit recommends and supports all three resolutions.

10.       Adjournment:    Meeting adjourned at 6:02 P.M.

          Next Meeting dates:

Fall General Meeting            

Monday November 15, 2021                        

Virtual via ZOOM only

4:30 p.m.

Please register for ZOOM using this link:

Unit Executive

Monday November 29, 2021

Hybrid – ZOOM / in-person

4:30 p.m.

Please register for ZOOM using this link:

Or, email office@waterloocatholicteachers.ca if you’d like to attend in-person                                           

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