Monday January 10, 2022
Virtual Zoom meeting
4:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order: Land Acknowledgement, Prayer and Pledge
Land Acknowledgment
We recognize and deeply appreciate the historic connection of Ontario’s Indigenous peoples, and the contribution that Metis, Inuit, and other Indigenous peoples have made, both in shaping and strengthening our province, and our country as a whole. As settlers, this recognition of the contributions and historic importance of Indigenous peoples must also be clearly and overtly connected to our collective commitment to make the promise and the challenge of Truth and Reconciliation real in our communities.
Creator God, we praise you, the source of all life. Renew our faith and guide us in our ministry as Catholic teachers. Let us touch the hearts and minds of those with whom we work.
Lord Jesus, share with us your counsel so we may choose knowledge over ignorance, wisdom over waste, peace over injustice, community over isolation and service over domination.
Holy Spirit, nurture our growth. Inspire us to give birth to the creative powers within us. Let us come to the fullness of life promised in the Gospel. Amen.
I pledge to work for the goal of Christian Education, which is to co-operate with Divine Grace in forming the true and perfect Christian.
I promise to obey the rules and regulations of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association and to fulfill my duties as a member.
2. Consideration of Agenda:
Motion: Amy Tuka/ Simon Dallimore
“That the agenda of the Unit Executive Meeting of
Monday January 10, 2022 be accepted as received.”
3 Consideration of Minutes:
- Minutes of previous Unit Executive Meeting(s)
Motion: Carol Knight/ Jeannette Cowen
“That the minutes of the Unit Executive Meeting of
Monday November 29, 2021 be accepted as received”.
4. Association Rep Meeting Chair: Aaron Stemmler
5. Special Guest / Presentation: Liz Stuart (Government Relations Dept., OECTA Provincial)
20 minutes
Liz addressed the executive about government relations. Liz discussed the impact of the pandemic on teachers.
She then explained the importance of the next provincial election. All OECTA units need to become more
politically active. Liz then explained the current political atmosphere in Ontario and the impact that Doug Ford has
had on Ontario. Liz then explained the plans of provincial with the intent to educate each local unit in connections
to political action. Provincial now has a Political Action page on the website. Workshops will be coming up from
provincial for political action. Liz explained the connection between political action and collective bargaining.
Q: What should local units be focusing on?
A: The strategy is to look at the population that is not part of the conservative base. The need is to provide the
people a place to land. But this depends on local candidates and platforms.
Q: How can OECTA get the message out that they don’t control closure of schools?
A: The media controls what they want to print and report. It is important to spread the truth about this issue in the
media locally.
6. Report of Unit Executive Officers
(a) Report of the President – Patrick Etmanski
- Emergency child care
- Status of upcoming meetings
- Use of lower-level meeting room
- Potential staffing issue
- Questions to written report
The President referenced his report. Emergency childcare program does not apply to teachers except for special education teachers.
Upcoming OECTA meetings will be virtual only. No in-person meetings will happen.
OECTA needs to explore renting out the lower-level meeting room. The issue is related to food being served by a business that does not serve food. OECTA needs to get a permit for food for events. This is something new and changes what OECTA will do with the meeting room. OECTA received a warning by public health.
Staffing might be an issue for the unit. Simon might be called upon by provincial and a member would have to fill in for Simon.
(b) Report of Treasurer – Mark Devlin
- Budget review
- Questions to written report
The Treasurer referenced his report. The student bursary went to a refugee this year and the student overcame many difficulties and receive an over 90% average in grade 12. This is a good news story.
“That verified school-based organized groups should be included in the distribution of funds from the Recognition Committee “.
The UE discussed this motion. The UE explained the need for the bylaw to be changed and the unit believes that the motion should be brought forth to the recognition committee. The president will bring this motion to the recognition committee. The treasurer withdrew his motion.
- Report of Vice President – Secondary – Dave Geraghty
- Questions to written report
The VP referenced his report. The VP was shocked when the board approached OECTA about what model they prefer for secondary either a modified or regular semester. OECTA explained that the unit supports the regular model. The board has not made any decisions.
Another issue is the hybrid model. Secondary staff is worried about the expansion of the hybrid model when we go back to face-to-face school. The VP is also worried about quarantine days and how students will continue their learning virtually using the hybrid model. The VP also explained the increase of harassment by parents. The unit has proposed a memo to the board about harassment by parents.
Q: At the department head meeting at Doyle, staff explained the anxiety about covid. What message should we be relaying to staff? What is OECTA’s position?
A: The unit did reflect on the models. The modified cohort model does not separate and ensure cohorting. This is a difficult decision, and the belief is that the modified model does not add any protection.
- Report of Vice President – Occasional – Jeannette Cowen
- Questions to written report emailed earlier
The VP occasional referenced her report. The VP was shocked by the decision about contact tracing. The board is not doing any contact tracing. The VP believes Covid is going to spread rapidly.
Fail-to-fill: Month of November over 200 assignments went to uncertified OTs. Also, 1 in 3 assignments went unfilled. This is a major problem and will only get worst.
HR lost another person over the holidays. Melissa passed away. She was the OTIP person for reports. HR is way behind on those reports and this will impact benefits.
Q: Any idea of LTO numbers?
A: I don’t have the numbers. But the unit is asking for updates.
Q: Are Uncertified OTs getting LTOs?
If the teacher is waiting for OCT, these OTs can get a letter of recognition and start working LTOs.
Q: What about secondary TSL teachers? Will the growth impact redundancies?
A: Growth will impact redundancies, but the VP will not know to later about impact it will have on redundancies.
- Report of Vice President Elementary – Simon Dallimore
- Questions to written report emailed earlier
The VP referenced his report. The board does not know what is going to happen when parents want their students
to continue with virtual learning when we go back to face-to-face learning. The hybrid model could be an option for
these students. The 5-day quarantine can also impact this hybrid model. The board is waiting for the government.
This will be a major issue in the upcoming weeks. Schools might have to close if this issue becomes too much.
The unit believes that schools will not open on January 17.
Q: Any news about the N95 masks or rapid tests?
A: The N95s have showed up at schools. More masks should be in the schools by Monday. More rapid tests are coming to schools.
7. Labour Report: Aaron Stemmler
The representative explained that there is a meeting tomorrow. The labour council elected a VP and will elect
another VP tomorrow.
8. Committee Reports: Written reports may be submitted for inclusion in the “Report of All.” Minutes will be posted on website for review prior to the meeting. Questions can be brought to liaison at this time
9. New Business:
10. Adjournment: The meeting is adjourned at 6:09 P.M.
Next Meeting dates:
Association Rep Meeting
Monday January 24, 2022
Virtual only – ZOOM link:
4:30 p.m.
Unit Executive
Monday February 7, 2022
Virtual only – ZOOM link:
4:30 p.m.