Ontario school boards need to crack down on cellphone use because social media is a huge distraction for students, says Education Minister Stephen Lecce.
Ontario wants tougher cellphone rules in schools (thestar.com)
Ontario school boards need to crack down on cellphone use because social media is a huge distraction for students, says Education Minister Stephen Lecce.
Ontario wants tougher cellphone rules in schools (thestar.com)
Parent Stacy Loos fears what will happen in Ontario if education workers go on strike. Ontario education workers debate strike action, call for higher wages | CTV News
While board commits to change, advocates call for change in leadership Black advocates disappointed by Waterloo Catholic board’s discussion of police call about Black student | CBC News
Report into incident where police were called to control four-year-old Black boy also includes recommendations for province Catholic board given 14 recommendations out of third-party investigation | TheRecord.com
Teachers’ unions in Waterloo Region are concerned about rising COVID-19 cases in the community as it’s leading to staff absences. Schools in Waterloo Region dealing with staff shortages due to COVID-19 | CTV News
On Nov. 23, some 65,000 primary and secondary teachers will launch an indefinite general strike. Quebec strikes: Thousands more teachers to strike | CTV News