Province initially introduced test in effort to help improve students’ math test scores
Ontario court upholds mandatory math test for new teachers | CBC News
Province initially introduced test in effort to help improve students’ math test scores
Ontario court upholds mandatory math test for new teachers | CBC News
Ford’s comments came after Crombie launched a committee of more than 40 prominent Liberals to explore a run for the party leadership. Doug Ford to Bonnie Crombie: ‘Bring it on’ | The Star
As an 18-year-old high school senior, Malek Mekawi plans to cast his first-ever vote in this spring’s provincial election. Political parties spar over future of education | Windsor Star
Ontario will be the first province to post the criminal charges and convictions of teachers and child-care workers. Ontario to post the charges and convictions of teachers and child-care workers | The Star
Like many, the president of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association(OECTA) has kept abreast of the consultations with the unsettling feeling that most of the big decisions have already been made. And all indicators point to…
Research from Canada and the United States suggests gig companies avoid paying millions of dollars in payroll taxes and workers’ compensation premiums. This not only deprives workers of protections, but also drains revenues from vital social benefit programs, such…
Ontario government had made the promise to rescind Bill 28 — the Keeping Students in Class Act — to help mend fences with the labour movement. Ontario repeals law that forced CUPE school staff back…