580 – CFRA News Talk Radio
Segment starts at 15:40
Hour 3 of Ottawa Now for Fri. October 20th, 2023 (iheartradio.ca)
580 – CFRA News Talk Radio
Segment starts at 15:40
Hour 3 of Ottawa Now for Fri. October 20th, 2023 (iheartradio.ca)
Boards considering extending the use of face coverings have no authority to do so, officials say. Ontario stays firm on ending mask mandates in schools | The Star
For the past three years, parents have threatened to find educational alternatives because they believed their children were being indoctrinated with ideologies and identity politics and they felt their concerns were either ignored, or mischaracterized,…
The organization did not confirm how many people were impacted but did confirm that the hack involved current and past people employed by OSSTF. OSSTF confirms current and past members’ information compromised in cyberattack |…
The 2025 curriculum update will, for the first time, spell out certain letter and sound combinations that students need to know, as well as new vocabulary-building requirements. Ford government to revamp full-day kindergarten curriculum (thestar.com)
There are roughly 10,000 teachers in Nova Scotia taking a vote on April 11 on whether or not to strike. 10,000 teachers will take strike vote April 11 as ‘wake-up call’ for province to reach…