Reductions are a direct result of ongoing enrolment decline and elimination of specific funding sources from Ministry of Education, says board spokesperson
DPCDSB school board laying off over 100 staff (
Reductions are a direct result of ongoing enrolment decline and elimination of specific funding sources from Ministry of Education, says board spokesperson
DPCDSB school board laying off over 100 staff (
The Ministry of Education’s abdication of responsibility has poisoned the environment for LGBT and non-LGBT students alike Rife with gender politics, Ontario schools sorely need Lecce to lead | National Post
‘If we’re going to make these changes in the schools, we have to do it together’ ‘Setting the stage’ for Indigenous education in Niagara schools |
The move is seen as a way to give the bargaining team a bit more clout at the negotiating table. French teachers vote in favour of strike action (
Unions were stunned when Education Minister Thomas Wells introduced two bills designed to amend the Education Act. So they started planning a mass walkout ‘I support my teachers’: What happened when workers walked off the…
Manitoba is cutting red tape in the teacher-certification process as schools struggle to cover staff absences and fill job openings. Province tries to ease path to teaching – Winnipeg Free Press
Ontario teachers’ unions are speaking out after the Progressive Conservative government decided to use the notwithstanding clause to force a contract onto education support workers. This is what unions have to say about Ontario’s back-to-work…