Ottawa’s largest school board says it’s doing everything it can to find replacement staff, as staffing shortages result in classroom closures this school year.
Staff shortages forces classroom closures at Ottawa’s largest school board | CTV News
Ottawa’s largest school board says it’s doing everything it can to find replacement staff, as staffing shortages result in classroom closures this school year.
Staff shortages forces classroom closures at Ottawa’s largest school board | CTV News
Ontario ended the last fiscal year with a $2.1-billion surplus – a far cry from the $33-billion deficit projected in the budget – thanks to inflation and stronger economic growth, officials said Friday. Ontario records…
Ontario teachers’ unions are speaking out after the Progressive Conservative government decided to use the notwithstanding clause to force a contract onto education support workers. This is what unions have to say about Ontario’s back-to-work…
The province updated its list of “high-risk industries” before the start of the current academic year, adding schools and school divisions to the group dominated by construction and manufacturing jobs. Schools on Manitoba’s list of…
Ontario’s public elementary schools will add 401 specialist teachers to help the province’s youngest learners advance in their reading skills, according to a tentative agreement negotiated between the government, school boards and a teachers’ union….
The Ford government’s plan to reduce teaching positions in Ontario will have widespread effects on the education system, the provincial teachers union says. According to the four-year plan, by 2022, Ontario’s education system will have…
Local educators warn of “crisis” in Ontario’s education system, urge Province to end funding cuts LETTER: Halton Catholic teachers say ‘our kids are not OK’ – Halton Hills News