St. David Multilingual Learner Data Assessment

St. David

St David teachers and guidance counsellors who work with ESL students (i.e. ESL monitor, ESL teachers, and International Student Guidance Counsellor) St. David CSS Review of use of ESL services, assessing data collected over the last year, and creating a presentation/proposal for development of ESL support, PD opportunities, and Culturally Responsive Practices.


SMH Relay for Life Planning

St. Mary's HS

Staff members who are part of the SMH Relay for Life planning committee Time to plan the 2022 SMH Relay for Life event TBD


Intermediate Assessment Moderation

St. Nicholas

Workshop closed to St. Nicholas Intermediate Teachers Teachers will collaborate and moderate assessments for the purpose of assessment/evaluation consistency across the division. Room 125    


Transition Planning for YAP Students


YAP teachers Looking at different options for students transitioning out of Young Adult Program at Grand River Hospital. GRH


Doyle Religion Dept. Moderated Marking

Msgr Doyle

Doyle's Religion Dept. The religion dept. will work in grade level teams to do some moderated marking and review of our assessment policy. room 124


Doyle FSL teachers

Msgr Doyle

French teachers at Monsignor Doyle We will be working on preparing for destreaming Gr. 9 French. RM 127


Essay Writing in the Senior Social Sciences

Msgr. Doyle

Designed for the two social science teachers at Monsignor Doyle Teachers will collaborate on teaching methods concerning essay writing format specifically for the Social Sciences field. room 100


12C English Course Development

St. Mary's H.S.

Workshop closed to 12C English teachers currently teaching at St. Mary's 12C English teachers will collaborate and develop common unit assessments as well as develop the ISU. Room 319


EQAO Review and Planning

St. Agnes

Workshop open to grade 3 and 6 teachers and staff administering or planning EQAO at St. Agnes Grade 3 and Grade 6 Teachers will review resources and procedures to implement EQAO Testing (online) - Closed to St Agnes teachers and staff administering EQAO testing. (Portable 7)


Teaching Phys. Ed Outdoors and Indoors

Holy Family

Workshop closed to planning time teachers at Holy Family Sharing of outdoor/indoor physical education activities, games and stations. Programming to make connections student health, well-being and mental wellness. gym


Junior Division EQAO Collaboration

Our Lady of Lourdes

Workshop closed to OLOL junior division teaches Discussion and strategies to help implement the new EQAO testing Room 203  


Primary Division Math and Literacy Planning

Blessed Sacrament

Workshop closed to primary teachers at Blessed Sacrament We will get together and share resources and ideas for our classroom in regards to math and literacy. Room 135
