Catholic Teachers Support CUPE Education Workers; Additional Information on Scheduled CUPE Walk-out this Friday

The Association – and our 45,000 Catholic teachers – remains in unwavering solidarity with the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) education workers, who have had their rights trampled by the Ford government’s anti-union, anti-democratic legislation. This legislation, which the government is fast-tracking, with round-the clock sittings at Queen’s Park, would impose a contract on CUPE education workers, while invoking the notwithstanding clause to pre-empt and negate any legal challenge.

In response to the legislation, the Ontario School Board Council of Unions (OSBCU), which represents CUPE education workers in publicly funded school boards in Ontario, has indicated their intention to defy the legislation, by holding a walk-out protest on Friday, November 4.

As confirmed by media reports, representatives from OSBCU and the Government of Ontario have returned
to the bargaining table to resume negotiations. At the time of writing, the situation remains dynamic. The
Association will continue to proactively provide you with additional information and news, as necessary.

How to Show your #Solidarity with CUPE Education Workers
Show your solidarity with CUPE education workers on Friday, November 4 by wearing purple.
Together, let’s help CUPE education workers turn this province purple, as we protest the Ford government’s
abuse of power, which takes away workers’ constitutional right to bargain freely and fairly.

OECTA President Barb Dobrowolski denounces the Ford government’s heavy-handed legislation at a rally with
families, educators, and workers in support of CUPE education workers.

Support Your Colleagues; Respect Picket Line Protocols
Show your solidarity by joining CUPE education workers on the picket/protest line, but only on your own
time (i.e., in the morning prior to the 15 minutes before the start of school, after school, or at lunchtime,
but not during assigned duties or preparatory and planning time).
CUPE picket/protest lines will likely be held at various locations, including Queen’s Park and at Ford
government MPP constituency offices, the locations of which will be made available tomorrow on the CUPE
Ontario website. Catholic teachers are also encouraged to demonstrate support by providing snacks or beverages to your CUPE colleagues.

Take Action: Support CUPE Education Workers
Tell the Ford government to get back to the bargaining table and negotiate a fair deal that supports Ontario
students by supporting CUPE education workers.

Reminder of Roles and Responsibilities in the Event of a CUPE Walk-out on Friday
Earlier this week, Catholic teachers received a Provincial Bargaining Update from the Association detailing
the roles and responsibilities of members in the event of a CUPE walk-out protest on Friday, November 4.
Click HERE to review the detailed roles and responsibilities of members.

Key Details to Remember for Friday
OECTA is not in a legal strike position.

  • Members cannot refuse to cross CUPE picket lines. You are expected to report to work and perform
    your usual duties. Failure to do so could result in discipline from the employer and/or the Ontario
    College of Teachers.
  • Sign and share CUPE’s online petition, demanding that Premier Ford stop bullying students and
    education workers.
  • Tell Premier Doug Ford: hands off workers’ rights.
  • Take part in an emergency phone zap tonight from 7 to 8 p.m., calling on Ford government
    MPPs to do what’s right and bargain for a fair contract for education workers.
  • Amplify the Canadian Labour Congress’s open letter about why the Ford government’s
    draconian legislation means cuts for all workers, as it puts an end to collective bargaining,
    court challenges, or any discussion – period.
  • Join students, families, educators, and concerned Ontarians for a family-friendly rally being
    organized by the Ontario Parent Action Network on Thursday, November 3 at 6 p.m. in front
    of the Sheraton Hotel (123 Queen Street, Toronto), the location where CUPE is at the
    bargaining table.

Reminder of Roles and Responsibilities in the Event of a CUPE Walk-out on Friday
Earlier this week, Catholic teachers received a Provincial Bargaining Update from the Association detailing
the roles and responsibilities of members in the event of a CUPE walk-out protest on Friday, November 4.
Click HERE to review the detailed roles and responsibilities of members.

Key Details to Remember for Friday
OECTA is not in a legal strike position.

  • Members cannot refuse to cross CUPE picket lines. You are expected to report to work and perform
    your usual duties. Failure to do so could result in discipline from the employer and/or the Ontario
    College of Teachers.

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