This is the fourth installment of an ongoing investigation into Ontario’s public-school system.
Ontario Teachers Plead for Help as Schools Descend into Violent Mayhem | National Review
This is the fourth installment of an ongoing investigation into Ontario’s public-school system.
Ontario Teachers Plead for Help as Schools Descend into Violent Mayhem | National Review
YouTube video in regards to the impact of 28:1 in Secondary Schools
The Toronto District School Board plans to re-deploy more than 100 learning coaches to work as supply teachers for the rest of the academic year amid staffing shortages. The TDSB plans to deploy as many…
Like many, the president of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association(OECTA) has kept abreast of the consultations with the unsettling feeling that most of the big decisions have already been made. And all indicators point to…
[Video] Teachers union frustrated by pace of bargainingTorontoJanuary 24, 2023 Teachers union frustrated by pace of bargaining | CTV News
The Ontario government will reverse its direction on the province’s autism program and provide families with needs-based support, after months of protests from parents and an internal review that called for an immediate reset of…
The unions representing teachers in Waterloo region warn something must be done as COVID-19 cases continue to climb and teacher absences rise to an all-time high. Teachers unions push for return of mask mandates as…