Hamilton teacher says Catholic schools impeded job prospects. Ontario says it will protect separate schools
Ontario government faces legal challenge for funding Catholic schools | CBC News
Hamilton teacher says Catholic schools impeded job prospects. Ontario says it will protect separate schools
Ontario government faces legal challenge for funding Catholic schools | CBC News
Nearly 1,800 health-care professionals are adding their voices to those urging the provincial government to keep the updated sex-ed curriculum. A letter of concern and a petition were delivered to Queen’s Park on Tuesday, saying…
HEPA Filter Fund launched by public school board foundation – CityNews Kitchener Click here to read more.
‘It was very clear that at the end of the day, there was systemic and anti-Black racism at the heart of all that happened’ Family and community outraged after Kitchener school calls police on four-year-old…
At six public high schools in Peel Region, signs have been posted outside washroom doors warning students who might be considering vaping that they’re being monitored with new detectors that can alert the front office. Vape detectors…
“Specifically, the City will work with the school board to prioritize schools that require enhanced youth programming, mental health and well-being supports as well as food security initiatives,” he said. John Tory meets with TDSB…
Contracts expire August 31; pay a key issue as inflation rises Teachers unions want talks with Ford as contracts wind down – Sault Ste. Marie News (sootoday.com)